Our Passion

Hiking, Exploring, Celebrating & Growing as Humans

We believe that hiking is not just a physical activity but also an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and appreciation for nature. However, we also recognize that each hike is unique, and we may not have the chance to revisit certain mountains or hikes in this lifetime.

Mountaineer at the top of Mount Huron with their Summiter Mountain Flag

The Founder

Every mountain in life is worth celebrating

Our Inception story began during an exhilarating hike to Huron Peak, where we realized that hiking is more than just a physical activity – it's an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and appreciation for nature. As we hiked, our minds were filled with countless thoughts and ideas, but two major thoughts stood out, which became the foundation of Summiter.

Hiking is not just a physical activity but also an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and appreciation for nature, an instinctive part of human development. And then there was this second thought that there are so many more mountains and trails to explore that we might not get a chance to visit the same mountain/ hiking spot again in this lifetime. It's important to make the most of every opportunity and cherish each moment. This all calls for a celebration and a memory that will stay with us forever.

With these thoughts in mind, we set out to create a product that would enable us to attach our feelings and memories of hiking as well as celebrate them in one convenient product. And thus, Summiter was born.

  • Sustainbility

    Our product is 100% recyclable - from the cardboard packaging to light-weight vinyl mountain flag.

  • Community

    Community plays a crucial role in mountaineering by fostering a sense of camaraderie, support, and shared experiences among climbers.

  • Celebration

    Reaching the top of a hike is a momentous achievement that is often celebrated should be celebrated and remembered.

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Group of high altitude hikers at the top of Mount Huron with a Summiter Mountain Flag

Join The Community

We welcome adventurers of all backgrounds and skill levels to join us in exploring the great outdoors, sharing experiences, and building lasting friendships. Whether you are a seasoned mountaineer or just starting out, we invite you to be a part of our community and discover the beauty and excitement of high-altitude hiking together.

Join Now

Summiter Mountain Flag black mountain graphic