Frequantly Asked Questions

About our Mountain Flags

What is the Summiter Flag made of?

It is made of Recyclable Polyethylene. An eco-friendly material due to its recyclability, durability, and low environmental impact.Therefore, long-lasting and can withstand harsh weather conditions. This reduces the need for frequent replacements, thereby reducing the environmental impact associated with the production and disposal of new flags. The production process for PET requires less energy and water compared to other materials, which results in lower greenhouse gas emissions and water usage.

How much does the Summiter Mountain flag weight?

The weight of the flag is less than 50 grams including the packaging, making it light as feather to carry in your pockets or backpack.

What do I do with my flag after my climb?

After your climb, you can personalize the banner with your own handwriting on the packaging or the backside of the banner as a way to remember the memories and experiences you had during your climb. You can display the flag in your home or office as a reminder of your achievement and as a conversation starter with others who may be interested in your hiking adventures.

Is the packaging recyclable?

The material used for the production of our flags is one of the few and most commonly recycled materials in the world. With your support, our mission is to go fully bio-degradable

How is the elevation height of the mountain flag being determined?

There is no one answer to this and here is why-

Different websites can show different elevation measurements for mountains due to a variety of factors, including:
Datum: The reference point used to measure elevation can differ from website to website. Elevation measurements are typically referenced to a specific geodetic datum, which is a mathematical model of the Earth's surface. The most commonly used datums are the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). If different websites use different datums, this can result in different elevation measurements for the same mountain.

Methodology: The method used to measure elevation can also differ from website to website. Some websites may use more accurate or precise methods than others. For example, some websites may use GPS measurements, while others may use topographic maps or satellite imagery.

Resolution: The resolution of the elevation data used by different websites can also affect the accuracy of the measurements. Higher resolution data can provide more detailed and accurate elevation measurements, while lower resolution data may be less precise.

Time: Elevation measurements can change over time due to natural processes like erosion, as well as human activities like mining or construction. If different websites are using elevation data from different points in time, this can also result in different elevation measurements for the same mountain.

We use different reliable resources ranging from Wikipedia to websites like

Shipping & Returns

Where do you ship?

All the states in United States of America

How is my order shipped?

We have two services for shipping. One is the standard shipping which is free to all but takes around 4 - 15 days from the day of manufacturing. Express shipping is available at a nominal cost that will expedite the shipping process to 3 - 7 days.

Do you offer free shipping and returns?

Free shipping for all fellow mountaineers, either you buy 1 or 100 flags. All we need is your support as a small business! Free returns for all products that have not been used.

Custom & Bulk Orders

Can I request a custom flag for my hike?

Custom flag order is currently not available at the moment. We are hoping to get enough support to make this service available.

Where can I request to become to become a Summit Mountain Flag Wholesaler?

Please wirte us at or fill in the form at

Still have questions?

Reach out to us directly and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Summiter Mountain Flag black mountain graphic